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Clima-LoCa: Annual Workshop

For the full blog, please see the website from Clima-LoCa

From the 19th to the 23rd of February was the Annual Workshop of The Clima-LoCa project (2024), an event that has taking place for four years and has been crucial to the planification and development of the project in recent years. The first workshop took place in Cali, the second was virtual, the third was in Ecuador and this time, the turn was for The Alliance, Bioversity & CIAT in Colombia, who in addition to being the implementing partner of the project, had the opportunity to receive and witness in his own home the advances and achievements.

This year the event was aimed at socializing project results after four years of continuous research, intervention, and implementation. There were five days in where partners from Ecuador, Peru and Colombia shared their work, presented their doubts, and built reflections on the work that is being done and the road that remains missing.

Also, the campus in the Americas Hub opened its doors to the Committee of External Advisors in the fourth day of the workshop, this Committee is part of the tradition of Clima-LoCa, since it is the opportunity for external agents, linked to the cocoa sector to offer fresh perspectives that contribute to its strengthening.

For the conclusion of the event, the different attendees committed themselves to the project and the continuation of their shared mission to enhance the resilience and inclusivity of growing cocoa sectors in Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru through innovations in low-cadmium and relevant to the climate. Additionally, in this fourth annual workshop, the first draft of the dissemination strategy was presented, signaling the initiation of key actions within the fourth component of Clima-LoCa.

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