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RAIZ held a Project Policy Dialogue Workshop in Harare on the 19th March 2024

The Resilience Building through Agroecological Intensification in Zimbabwe (RAIZ) Project, through its Implementing Partners (CIRAD, University of Zimbabwe and CIMMYT) with support from European Union and Government of Zimbabwe, held a one-day Policy Dialogue Workshop on the 19th of March 2024 at Bronte Hotel, Harare. 

Dr. G. Falconnier giving a presentation soil fertility management and agroecology

The RAIZ project is a 4-year research project funded by the EU Delegation in Zimbabwe. Its overall objective is to produce knowledge capable of supporting the Government of Zimbabwe in the development and implementation of scientifically tested agroecological approaches, which will enhance agricultural production and resilience to climate change and variability in Zimbabwe. The project is being implemented in Murehwa district (Wards 26 & 28) and Mutoko District (Wards 8 & 10) of Mashonaland East Province. The selection of implementation sites was carefully chosen to capture a climate gradient for us to better understand the interaction between agroecological technologies and different environments. The project has just completed its second year of operation.

A/Deputy Director (SPBD) Thabani Siziba giving a presentation on the current agroecology policy in Zimbabwe

One of our key objectives for the Policy Dialogue Workshop was to further identify knowledge gaps that need to be addressed, to advance public policy decision making. We also shared findings of the RAIZ Project that may be of some value for such purpose. The workshop was organised with a Key Note Address from the Permanent Secretary of MoLAFWRD – Prof O.Jiri and few key presentations from the A/Deputy Director (T. Siziba), RAIZ Project team members (Dr. I. Nyagumbo; Prof R. Chikowo and Dr. G. Falconnier) and a substantial time for discussions on the policy implications from an agroecological view point.

Prof R. Chikowo giving his presentation on promoting agroecological intensification for resileince building in Zimbabwe

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