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Women Coffee Climate: new publication on Coffee based Livelihood diversifications, Gender roles and effect of climate change on coffee production in Yayu coffee forest biosphere reserve (YCFBR)

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Brief summary

Agriculture drives Ethiopia’s economy, contributing 45% to GDP, employing 73-78% of the workforce, and generating 80% of export earnings. Climate change poses severe threats, impacting agriculture and specifically affecting Arabica coffee production due to changing temperatures and precipitation patterns. Gender imbalances persist, limiting women’s access to resources and training. This study in the Yayu coffee forest biosphere reserve found lower productivity among female-headed households, with women burdened by a disproportionate workload. Farmers perceive climate change through increased disease and erratic rainfall. Recommendations include capacity building, gender-focused extension services, and sustainable practices to enhance productivity and livelihoods, crucial for governmental and non-governmental efforts to support coffee farmers.

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