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About this Community

Knowledge sharing through collaboration

Welcome to the DeSIRA-LIFT Community of Action and Reflection.

This community aims at sharing and learning about challenges and practices in managing for impacts in Research and Innovation projects of the DeSIRA Initiative.

Our community gathers team members from DeSIRA projects, DeSIRA-LIFT experts, other experts from Agrinatura and the regions and countries where projects are located, and the various stakeholders of the DeSIRA projects.

Support from DeSIRA-LIFT is provided through 4 services:

Service 1 – Facilitating a Community of Action & Reflection

Service 2 – Training of innovation facilitators in DeSIRA project teams

Service 3 – Self-paced training on the five core capacities to manage for impacts

Service 4 – Group coaching on MEL for AIS

The objectives are to stimulate peer-to-peer learning, capture and diffuse existing knowledge and practices on managing for impact in AIS-orientated interventions, enhance possible cross-support between Desira projects, and elaborate some transversal knowledge products collaboratively across projects.

The community operates constantly through working groups, community events and activities – online and in the field – rooted in the reality of the various contexts of DeSIRA projects. Transversal knowledge products are co-created by DeSIRA-LIFT through the facilitation of cross-project mutual learning based on shared practices, critical reflection and learning reviews from different contexts or within the same country or region.

This website aims to display “what worked for whom, in what circumstances, and how” by gathering common knowledge and key learnings from the DeSIRA projects, their implementing organizations, and their stakeholders about the innovation processes they are supporting and the domains in which these innovations intend to make a difference. Key learnings are also shared about how the support from DeSIRA-LIFT has been reinforcing the five core managerial capacities to make the projects more impactful.

The knowledge accrued on this website is growing as projects unfold.

To streamline our support, we have grouped projects into four clusters, corresponding to geographical and thematic specificities. You can find a synthetic description of these four clusters under the following links CLUSTER 1 – Western Africa, Central Africa & Madagascar, CLUSTER 2 – Asia & the Pacific, CLUSTER 3 – Eastern and Southern Africa, CLUSTER 4 – Central America, Southern America & the Caribbean.

A general map with links to project websites (when available) can be found here.

This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of DeSIRA-LIFT and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
© DeSIRA-LIFT 2025