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DeSIRA-LIFT´s contributions to the 10th Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP) Partners Assembly in Ethiopia

Short Summary

With many TAP partners involved in DeSIRA projects, including TAP-AIS project, and TAP benefiting from funding from DeSIRA, several collaboration avenues can be used to boost the big shift in agricultural innovation systems toward more diverse, inclusive and responsible innovation approaches, which enable agrifood system transformation.

The Agrinatura-led DeSIRA-LIFT facility was invited to join forces for the organization of the 10th TAP Partners Assembly, and take the opportunity to connect DeSIRA project implementers and partners in Ethiopia to the TAP. The objectives were to stimulate joint learning and critical Reflexion around on-going multi-actor innovation processes in Ethiopia and other DeSIRA countries, with highlights on the capacity development needs at different levels: at the level of innovative women-led firms, at the level multi-actor platforms, and at the global level of continental R&I policies. TAP members identified convergence points towards which they could work together to close these capacity gaps, such as promoting needs-based innovation approaches, successful commercial models, alignment mechanisms for investments and support to identified innovation champions, sustainability of multi-actor platforms set up in countries, and increased partnerships with universities as a means of increasing the workforce for agricultural innovation in countries.

Full report coming soon

Detailed summary description of the 3 sessions that were organized by DeSIRA-LIFT

On the occasion of the TAP Partners Assembly in Ethiopia, DeSIRA-LIFT organized three sessions contributing to TAP Outcomes 1, 2 and 3, which respectively are “Increased innovation capacities at country level”; “Support of Regional Research and Extension Organizations (RREOs) to countries on strengthening capacities for Innovation”; “Policy advocacy and increased investments in AIS”.

The three sessions organized by DeSIRA-LIFT were on:

“How investing in multi-actor facilities that strengthen functional capacities accelerates innovations in key sectors in Ethiopia: lessons from DeSIRA projects”: five cases of multi-actor innovation facilities (MIFs) implemented under DeSIRA projects to achieve innovation in East Africa were presented by a panel of project managers from several TAP member organizations (GIZ, OSRREA/AECID , CIHEAM/AICS , Wageningen University, FAO, GFAR); The discussions highlighted the key contributions of DeSIRA projects to develop functional capacities of actors engaged in MIFs, through needs-based, adaptive, continuous and local support, based on multiple tools and approaches designed with the support of research organizations. Universities were identified as strategic partners to sustain MIFs beyond DeSIRA projects.  The session was followed by 20 in-person participants and 20 participants who joined virtually, representing nearly 30 distinguished organizations from across 25 countries. Read more here.

“Views and Experiences of regional organizations on Continental Agricultural & Food Research and Innovation Strategies”: co-organized by IICA/ FORAGRO, APAARI, FARA and DeSIRA LIFT, the session about thirty organisations which were members of the TAP network.  During this session, we explored the experiences, successes and challenges in designing and implementing regional/ continental level Agricultural & Food Research and Innovation (R&I) strategies in different regions across the globe. Participating RREEOs shared their experiences and lessons on what worked and why; what has not worked so well and why; and what needs to be in place to make it work. Panelists representing RREEOs (IICA/FORAGRO, APAARI, FARA) and FAO shared their experiences and lessons in designing and implementing R&I strategies. Read more here.

“Gender-responsive mechanisms or incentives for locally based private sector engagement in strengthening capacity of seed systems in Africa”: co-organized by CAADP-XP4 gender group and DeSIRA LIFT. Thirty organisations members of the TAP network participated to this session highlighted the work of women in seed systems, with a focus on West Africa, and discussed the drivers enabling innovation processes which are inclusive and benefiting women. Panelists representing RREEOs (CORAF, FARA), private sector operators in the seed industry (FASO KABA, based in Mali and AMBALOSSO, based in Burkina Faso) shared their experiences and lessons in setting up and strengthening a women-led seed industry network at regional and national level. Read more here.

The future of multi-actor innovation facilities implemented in DeSIRA, read more here

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