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Five Great Forests´Case studies and videos

  • Five Great Forests Case study: Without the forests, we are nothing. The Mayan Biosphere Reserve is reborn after years of invasions by illegal livestock. Published Dec 1, 2023. More info and video here
  • Five Great Forests Case study: Trained communities, protected forests. La Moskitia is the most endangered forest in the region.  Published Dec 27, 2023. More info and video here  
  • Five Great Forests Case study: Cocoa, defense of territory and youth in Nicaragua. Published Dec. 23, 2023. More info and video here   
  • Case study Conservation is done by each person from their context: The case of La Amistad and its buffer zone, published Dec. 25, 2023 . More info and video 
  • Five Great Forests Case study: The Diammayala initiative. An alliance between diverse territories and cultures to defend water and forests. Published Dec 26, 2023. More info and vide here

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