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LIPS-ZIM: Adoption and scaling-up of improved Livestock production systems in Zimbabwe (LIPS-ZIM) project: Final report of the midterm evaluation

Publication can be found on the CGspace of the CGIAR

The mid-term evaluation of the LIPS-Zim project assessed its relevance, progress towards objectives, and lessons learned, employing OECD/DAC standards. It highlighted the project’s alignment with local needs and government priorities, though challenges included funding delays and COVID-19 disruptions. Effectiveness varied among partners, impacting milestones and outcomes like livestock sales and scientific publications. Positive impacts included improved nutrition and livelihoods, yet sustained disease surveillance and financial management improvements are needed. Project components show potential for post-project sustainability, though an exit strategy is under development. Key recommendations include finalizing activities, consolidating knowledge products, enhancing value chains, improving data management, leveraging policy engagement, and solidifying the exit strategy.

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