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RAIZ attends the international conference about long-term experiments in agronomy, organized by Rothamsted Research, UK

Also from RAIZ project: several colleagues from the RAIZ project attended an international conference about long-term experiments in agronomy, organized by Rothamsted Research, UK, in June 2023 (

Souleymane DIOP, a PhD student co-funded by the RAIZ project gave a talk in session Seven « Responses to Weather and Climate Change » about his work on CIMMYT long-term experiments on conservation agriculture in Zimbabwe: « Climatic effect of no-tillage and mulch due to albedo change differs with soil type: a field study in Zimbabwe ». Dr. Rémi Cardinael (Cirad, gave a talk in session one « Sustaining Cropping Systems » to present a recent publication « Sustaining maize yields and Soil Carbon following land clearing in the forest–savannah transition zone of West Africa: Results from a 20-year experiment » (

Other contributions from RAIZ included a poster about a new experiment in Zimbabwe: « A new long-term experiment to explore the impact of rainfall extremes on the agronomic and environmental performances of cropping systems in the sub-humid tropics » and an online talk about a study involving several scientists from the RAIZ project: « A comparison of 16 soil-crop models using four-term experiments in sub-Saharan Africa to guide improvement ». 

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