At the heart of the DeSIRA project philosophy lies the idea that agricultural innovation is the result of the meeting and collaboration of multiple stakeholders (farmers, NGOs, service providers, researchers, decision-makers, etc.). These various stakeholders ‘sit around the table’ to co-construct innovative proposals, and then carry out the activities needed to make the innovation a reality and help it evolve.
Innovation facilitation is an essential tool for supporting these multi-stakeholder innovation processes. It enables the various players to be mobilised in a flexible and creative organisation in which different points of view are seen as assets. It is based on a posture as well as appropriate methods and tools for defining common objectives and supporting their achievement.
About the training
Innovation facilitation training aims to build the capacity of key players in supporting multi-stakeholder innovation processes.
Training objectives
By the end of the course, participants will have :
- Consolidated the skills needed to facilitate innovation (active listening, negotiation, conflict management, etc.)
- Tested the tools needed to guide the innovation process
- Constructed and put into practice an action plan to apply the new skills to innovation activities in the DeSIRA project.
The course is aimed at :
- Professionals involved in supporting innovation in DeSIRA projects,
- As far as places are available, beneficiaries and local organisations whose role is to support innovation (farmers’ councils, network of facilitators, technical agricultural support services, private sector, etc.).
Practical information
Location and dates
Training courses are planned in the various geographical locations of the DeSIRA projects. They are scheduled for
- West Africa (Dec. 2023)
- Indian Ocean (Jan 2024)
- South America/Latin America (Feb 2024)
- East Africa (March 2024)
The course
- An in-depth discussion with participants before the workshop
- A one-week face-to-face workshop
- Group or individual support over two months
Cost: DeSIRA projects are responsible for the travel and accommodation of their staff. The cost of the training is covered by DeSIRA-LIFT.