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The II Encontro de Gestão Sustenta e Inova

The II Encontro de Gestão Sustenta e Inova took place on June 5 to 7, at the facilities of SEBRAE, the ¨Support Service for Micro and Small Enterprises¨ in Brazil. Sustenta and Innova is a DeSIRA project aiming at developing and implementing sustainable and innovative agricultural practices in the Brazilian Amazon. The meeting brought together agriculture and development professionals from the organizations members of the consortium- SEBRAE, EMBRAPA, IPAM and CIRAD- who discussed strategies to move forward on promoting biodiversity conservation, deforestation reduction, landscape restoration, mitigation and agriculture adaptation to climate change.

DeSIRA LIFT specialists Ricardo Ramírez, Renaud Guillonnet and Priscila Henríquez participated in the meeting. Ramírez presented elements of the Theory of Change (ToC) and Utilization Focused Evaluation (UFE) in support of the consortium’s efforts, which elicited a rich conversation as the project documents its outcomes and potential impact. DeSIRA LIFT experts have been coaching members of the consortium in monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) to help inform decisions and improve the project’s performance. Each organization also presented the advances made in the project implementation and consolidated a joint action plan for the coming years.

Sustenta and Innova is carried out in the State of Pará, located in micro-regions in the territory of Marajó and counties along the Trans-Amazon Highway (Xingu territory) and Belém-Brasília territory (Rio Capim region). It is hoped that this project will have a long-term effect on encouraging the sustainable use of land, strengthening local entrepreneurs and encouraging sustainable businesses in the Amazon.

For the PowerPoint presentation of the meeting, please see here

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