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Webinar – Scaling DeSIRA – Innovation processes and scalability

On December 13th DeSIRA LIFT SA1 organised a webinar on ´Scaling DeSIRA – Innovation processes and scalability´.

The webinar consisted of two sessions: one in English, and one in Spanish/French with simultaneous translation.

The aim of the webinar was to review what processes supported by DeSIRA projects need to be continued – in particular those innovations targeting behavioral changes that require time and cannot be directly scaled out or up but rather need to be disseminated –, and what other processes can move beyond pilots or proofs of concepts through a blend of specific funding (including investments), access to markets, and a conducive environment. The webinar helped identify scalable processes and those to be continued as well as who and how should be reached out to ensure this continuation.

They sought to discuss three questions:

  • What processes, started or reinforced during DeSIRA projects, need to be continued, with which support, to what end, and who should they involve?
  • What processes or innovations started, reinforced or demonstrated thanks to DeSIRA projects should be transferred to other stakeholders to be scaled out or up?
  • How should this support and those stakeholders be mobilized?

Key takeaways are shared and open for comments in the dedicated Discussion Group

Presentations were given by, Muhammad Meezanur Rahman, Artemia4Bangladesh (South East Asia, Bangladesh), Teklu Erkossa – PROSILIENCE/CoW (East Africa, Ethiopia), Harvey Charlie – Climate Smart Malawi (Southern Africa, Malawi), Ousmane Ndoye – ABEE and BIORISKS (West and Central Africa, Senegal and various countries), Andrés Huebenthal – Transforma Innova (Central America, Costa Rica). Additional presentations were made by Mariame MAIGA (Gender Lead for CAADP-XP4 and CORAF Regional Gender and Social Development Adviser) and Maimouna Coulibaly owner of Faso Kaba.


Presentations of the speakers

English session (Morning):

Setting the scene: Aurélie Toillier, DeSIRA-LIFT

Project presentations

Muhammad Meezanur Rahman, Artemia4Bangladesh (South East Asia, Bangladesh)

Teklu Erkossa – PROSILIENCE/CoW (East Africa, Ethiopia)

Harvey Charlie – Climate Smart Malawi (Southern Africa, Malawi)

French and Spanish session (Afternoon):

Setting the scene: Aurélie Toillier, DeSIRA-LIFT

Project presentations

Ousmane Ndoye – ABEE (West Africa, Senegal and various countries)

Ousmane Ndoye – BIORISKS (West and Central Africa, Senegal and various countries)

Mariame Maiga – Mise à échelle des semences de qualité (tolérante a la sècheresse et bio-fortifiées) avec une approche sensible au genre : Expérience du CORAF

Webinar recordings

English session – Morning

French and Spanish session – Afternoon

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